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Commonly referred to simply as ' Trindle,'  I have been practicing massage therapy for 15+ years.  In that time my skills have been honed to a facillitate a very present, tactful and aware level of tecnique, to tune in and understand my clients state of tension.  Combined with my nerdy obsession with anatomy, kenisiology, and Physiology, I have been able to successfully address my clients' specific needs for their particul issues.  This has proved to be surprisingly effective at acheiving relief, even when many other avenues have failed.  My observation has always aligned with the phrase, 'It's more complicated than you think, and more simple than you can believe.'  


Also to be noted, no matter what the case, my knowledge, and what I see, is always available to be communicated.  Knowledge is power, and I do not see any benefit from withholding any of it.  The more you know about your body and why it may be telling you it hurts, the easier it will be for you to address your daily life to be at your optimal comfort lever.

Deep Tissue


Soreness and tension can oftentimes be founded from events recent or earlier in lfe that are considered a type of trauma to your body.  These traumatic experiences, no matter how mild, lead to a sympathetic nervous system responce by muscle in, around, or otherwise connected to the area of impact.  Over time the body tries to adjust or grow into these uncomfortable zones, to find comfort or ease thoughout normal daily activities.  Deep tissue when used properly can releive these long tenured pains to muscles superficial, or deeper in the body.


Trindle's general rule when recieving this work;  "Good pain is okay, bad pain is not okay."  The goal here is not to create more pain, but rather support the muscle with blunt pressure so it can relax back into it's perfered resting state.

Rehabilitative Bodywork


Sports, hobbies, and work all come with there own pitfalls and unexpected injury.  It's unfortunate and frustrating when some one loves to do, or has to to for supporting their family, is made difficult or impossible by an injury sustained.  When this is the case, it's important to have a therapist who understands the anatomy and keniesiology involved.  Can locate the specific muscles affected, and use appropriate pressure and technique to begin working on the target area.  Especially since these areas are often ultra sensitive.  


To be noted, if Massage Therapy is contraindicated for your injury, you will be made aware of this, so as to not make anything worse!



Pre-natal Bodywork


Congratulations on being the bringer of life to our wonderful, wacky world.  Your baby will truly be a gift.  While your body is going through changes and taking on 'more.... ehh responcibility?'  :)  Take you nine month journey in first class with regular massage!  Not only will it help with the current tension, buy also with the post birth recovery.  You'll be surprised as it not only eases mama, but also the new 'bun in the oven.'   


Most effective relief during pregnancy is in the neck, back and hips.  Due large in part to the new added weight in front.  For later stages, lyphatic drainage, or torso directed effleurage on the legs will prove effective. 


There are areas and levels of pressure to avoid while receiving bodywork while pregnant.   We will discuss these before proceeding with treatment!

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